One of the key initiatives regarding the seas and oceans in the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) is the launch of cross-thematic calls for proposals on major sea-related challenges. Those calls are implemented jointly between different themes of FP7 because they address major cross-cutting issues that require cooperation between various scientific disciplines and sectors. This approach will help delivering sustainable and innovative solutions to fully reap the potential of our oceans.
The launch of such cross-cutting calls was foreseen in the European Strategy for marine and maritime research - COM 2008 (534 final). ‘The Ocean of Tomorrow’ is the European Commission's proposal to implement this commitment. Three joint calls have already been successfully launched (FP7-OCEAN 2010, FP7-OCEAN-2011 and FP7-OCEAN-2013). While there was no joint call in 2012, the common effort was pursued with the launch of 9 topics dedicated to the support of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).
As a result, 31 projects were funded under the FP7 "The Ocean of Tomorrow" initiative, with a total EU contribution of €195.6 million in 2010-2013. This comprises 21 projects from the FP7-OCEAN 2010, FP7-OCEAN 2011 and FP7-OCEAN 2013 calls for proposals as well as 10 projects from "The Ocean of Tomorrow 2012" coordinated topics.
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