The SINTEF Group is the largest independent research organisation in Scandinavia. Every year, SINTEF supports the development of 2000 or so Norwegian and overseas companies via our research and development activity. SINTEF's goal is to contribute to wealth creation and to the sound and sustainable development of society. We generate new knowledge and solutions for our customers, based on research and development in technology, the natural sciences, medicine and the social sciences. We solve our customers’ problems through research contracts in the following fields: Health, information and communications technology, marine activities, materials science and applied chemistry, petroleum and energy, technology management and building/construction.
SINTEF has approximately 2000 employees, 1300 of which are located in Trondheim and 450 in Oslo. We have offices in Bergen, Stavanger and Ålesund, in addition to offices in Houston, Texas (USA), Skopje (the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) and a laboratory in Hirtshals (Denmark). SINTEF's head office is in Trondheim. The SINTEF Group is structured into several research divisions, which have been defined in terms of value chains and industrial market clusters. List of research divisions in the SINTEF Group (January 1, 2007: -SINTEF Building and Infrastructure -SINTEF ICT -SINTEF Marine - consists of MARINTEK (limited company) and SINTEF ---Fishery and Aquaculture (Ltd company) -SINTEF Materials and Chemistry -SINTEF Petroleum and Energy
PRODUCE Implements New Measures for Sustainable Squid Fishing Peru
The provisions aim to safeguard sustainable resource extraction and support over 14,000 artisanal fishermen nationwide
New measures have been approved by the Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) in Peru ...
Danish Fisheries Association Calls for Development, Not Dismantling Denmark
The Danish Fisheries Association (DFPO) welcomes the government's proposed CO2 tax compensation for the fishing industry, acknowledging the lack of viable climate-neutral fuel alternatives before ...
Atlanto Scandian herring season for Scottish fleet gets underway United Kingdom
The Atlanto Scandian herring season for the Scottish fleet is now underway, with the quota this year marginally up by three per cent, although the UK has only two per cent of the overall total allowab...
Peru Protects Artisanal Squid Fishing, Targets MSC Certification Peru
A recent study published in the journal Nature, titled "Illuminating the multidimensional contributions of small-scale fisheries," highlights the critical role of artisanal fishing in food s...
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