Tipiak SA (Public, EPA:TIPI) is a France-based food industry group that manufactures a range of dry, chilled and frozen goods. The Company's range of food products consists of cereal meals; cubic croutons for salads and round croutons for soups; culinary ingredients, including breadcrumbs, potato flour and rice flour; frozen cocktail products, such as mini puff pastries, mini blinis and mini tartlets; frozen-ready meals, such as Breton-style scallops; puff pastry, and tapioca starches and texturizers, among others. The Company also has an international office in the United States Tipiak Inc., which carries out marketing and sales for convenience foods under the Tipiak brand and private labels, and in the professional channels, such as food industries, food service and home deliveries. The Company has several subsidiaries, including Tipiak Panification, Tipiak Plats Cuisines Surgeles, based in France, as well as Tipitak Inc, based in the United States and Gesnoin Espana, based in Spain, among others.
D2A Nantes-Atlantiques Saint-Aignan de Grand Lieu B.P. 5
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The provisions aim to safeguard sustainable resource extraction and support over 14,000 artisanal fishermen nationwide
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Peru Protects Artisanal Squid Fishing, Targets MSC Certification Peru
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