Australis Seafoods was born in 2007 to exploit opportunities offered by this industry. Comprises the business units Australis Mar, dedicated to fatten the salmon, marketing and export - which expects to produce 80 thousand tons of salmon by the year 2015 - and Landcatch Chile, responsible for the production of eggs based on a genetic program of more than 15 years, fry and smolts. Thus, Australis Seafoods is involved in all processes related to the cultivation, development and marketing of salmon.
This is the fourth (2011) year of operations Australis Seafoods and the company already announced it will open approximately 15% of their property to the Exchange, in order to finance its business plan.
Fortheperiod2011 - 2015,the Company will investU.S.$ 274million,partof whichwill becollectedin thisoperation.
Thus,the proceedswill beinvestedprimarilyinworkingcapital,fixed assetsfor productioninseawater andfish farmsso as to reacha production of 80thousand tonsby 2015,ofwhich80% is madetoAtlanticsalmon, therestofcohoand trout.
November 20, 2018 - Chinese company Joyvio Group, subsidiary of the conglomerate Legend Holdings, signed an agreement to buy up to 100 per cent of the shares issued by the Chilean salmon company Australis Seafoods for some USD 880 million.
Tuesday, October 08, 2019 | Australis Seafoods will cease to belong to New World Currents, a consortium of Chilean salmon companies for expansion in the Asian giant