Image: SBA / FIS
Fish farming exports increase 3% in the second quarter of the year
(BRAZIL, 8/2/2023)
Brazilian exports of fish farming products increased their revenues by 3% in the second quarter of 2023, with US$ 6 million traded. Although small, the increase may indicate a reaction to the slight drop seen in tilapia prices on the domestic market in recent months. According to Embrapa and PeixBR (Brazilian Fish Farming Association), this was not enough to surpass the volumes of 2022. In the accumulated from January to June, exports dropped 16% compared to the same period last year.

Photo : Jonathan Campos / AEN
The monthly analysis of exports indicates that the highest sales of the second quarter occurred in May, reaching US$ 2 million. Considering the entire semester, January was the most important month, with sales of over US$ 2.2 million.
Fresh or refrigerated fillets stand out in growth: with regard to the categories of exported products, fresh or refrigerated fillets continue to stand out in Brazilian fish farming exports. In the second quarter, they represented 60% of total exports, totaling US$ 3.6 million and surpassing frozen whole fish (US$ 1.6 million), which presented a decrease of 4%.

Source: Peixe BR. Clic here to enlarge
The growth in sales of fresh fillets indicates a resumption of what was, until 2020, the main product in the export basket of Brazilian fish farming. It is important to remember the good reputation of fresh Brazilian tilapia fillet abroad, being considered a premium product. The monthly analysis of exports indicates that the highest sales of the second quarter occurred in May, reaching US$ 2 million. Considering the entire semester, January was the most important month, with sales of over US$ 2.2 million.
Tilapia represented 91% of total exports in the second quarter of 2023, maintaining its position as the most exported species, with US$ 5.5 million.

Photo : Jonathan Campos / AEN
The United States remained the main trading partner for Brazilian fish farming exports in the second quarter of 2023, with imports worth US$ 5.2 million (86% of total exports). Colombia was the second main importer in the period, with US$ 218 thousand, representing 4% of the total.
Fresh or refrigerated fillet was the most exported product to the United States (US$ 3.6 million). Exports to Colombia were concentrated in frozen whole fish, totaling US$ 218,000; this product was also the second most exported to the United States (US$ 1.3 million), but with a decrease of 20% compared to the first quarter.
Source: SBA with information about Embrapa and Peixe BR (Translated from the original in Portuguese)

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