Image: O Presente Rural / FIS
Unprecedented Mapping Reveals Informality and Expansion of Fish Farming in Paraná
(BRAZIL, 6/4/2024)
The following is an excerpt from an article published by O Presente Rural:
Due to the success achieved in tilapia farming, Paraná was selected as the location for the execution of the Aquaculture Territorial Ordinance. The unprecedented initiative aims to carry out a comprehensive diagnosis, both environmental and socioeconomic, of fish farming in Paraná.
Source: Stockfile FIS
Paraná stands out as the main producer and exporter of farmed fish in Brazil, especially tilapia. Last year, its production reached 213,300 tons, an increase of 9.9% compared to 2022, according to data from the Brazilian Fish Farming Association (Peixe BR). This volume represents around 24% of the country's total production, reinforcing its prominent position among producing states.
The undisputed leadership of the people of Paraná places the state in a position of reference. Organized in verticalized production systems and integration by agricultural cooperatives, the activity model can be replicated in other regions of the country, with necessary adaptations, to boost the growth of national fish farming. “Paraná is a paradigmatic example of Brazilian fish farming, standing out for its highly organized production chain, a unique characteristic that is not found anywhere else in the country, which elevated tilapia to the status of commodity”, praised the geographer and Geoprocessing analyst at Embrapa Pesca and Aquaculture, Marta Eichemberger Ummus, during Inovameat, one of the main animal protein events in Paraná, held in mid-April in Toledo.
Benefits of territorial planning
According to the expert, the benefits of territorial planning cover different aspects, including reducing conflicts over different land uses, identifying possible synergies with other production chains, mitigating environmental, health and climate risks, in addition to analyzing economic and environmental viability. activities, considering costs and benefits. “Territorial planning also enables the identification of areas or regions suitable for the expansion of aquaculture, the establishment of scenarios for its development and the provision of subsidies for the strategic planning of the activity in Paraná, as well as contributing to the prioritization of producing regions and improves precision in decision-making processes related to aquaculture”, says Marta.
Why in Paraná?
Due to the success achieved in tilapia farming, Paraná was selected as the location for the execution of the Aquaculture Territorial Ordinance. The unprecedented initiative aims to carry out a comprehensive diagnosis, both environmental and socioeconomic, of fish farming in Paraná. “Spatial planning of aquaculture areas offers a series of advantages to the activity, including increased productivity and financial return for producers, as well as more effective management of environmental, economic and social risks. To optimize public policies, it is essential to understand the complexity of the elements involved in aquaculture, promoting a participatory process that encompasses all stakeholders in the value chain in the state of Paraná”, emphasized the geographer. [Continues...]
Source: O Presente Rural | Read the article in full by clicking the link here (only available in Portuguese)
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