Glitnir Bank's creditors are to acquire 95% of Íslandsbanki's share capital. A 5% stake will remain in state ownership. This decision, announced on 15 October 2010, serves to strengthen Íslandsbanki's position and reinforce its co-operation with foreign financial institutions.
Our customers will have continued access to the solutions currently on offer from the bank and the government. The financial wellbeing of Icelandic households and businesses, as well as the country's general economic recovery as soon as possible, is in the interest of the bank and its owners.
Íslandsbanki's new ownership represents an important step forward in rebuilding Iceland's financial system.
China's Deep-Sea Squid Price Index 2024: Operational Research Report China
Index Performance
In 2024, China's ocean squid price index demonstrated significant overall growth, with only slight declines in January, May, July, and November. The index reached its highest histor...