Incorporated in 1918 and listed on the Johannesburg (JSE) and Namibian (NSX) stock exchanges, Oceana Group is the largest fishing company in Africa and an important participant in the Namibian, Angolan and US fishing industries. We employ 5 225 people, of whom 3 366 are directly employed and 1 889 are indirectly employed.
The Oceana Group Limited (Public, JNB:OCE) is the holding company of some 23 operating subsidiaries in the fishing and allied services sector. The key divisions within the Group include:
Oceana Brands is engaged in fishing for various species and in the production, marketing and distribution of canned fish products and fishmeal.
Blue Continent Products: specialises in the fishing, processing, marketing, distribution and trading of local and foreign caught marine products.
Commercial Cold Storage: Subsidiaries in this division own and operate seven commercial cold stores in South Africa and Namibia - all offering top of the range facilities.
Lobster, Squid & French Fries: The division catches, produces and exports quality live and frozen Lobster and frozen Squid products and is engaged in the production and marketing of value added potato products
Blue Atlantic Trading: BAT is involved in the sales and trading of local and imported marine products to the South African and neighbouring countries wholesale market.
Glenrick Foods: Oceana's Lucky Star canned fish brand is marketed under the Glenryck label in the United Kingdom, retaining its excellent brand values.
Our core business is the catching, processing, marketing and distribution of canned fish, fishmeal, fish oil, lobster, horse mackerel, squid and hake. The business includes mid-water fishing (horse mackerel), deep-sea trawling (hake), and inshore fishing for pelagic fish (anchovy, Gulf Menhaden, redeye herring and pilchard). In addition, we provide refrigerated warehouse facilities and logistical support services.
The group’s principal market is the lower-end consumer (who prefers canned fish and horse mackerel). Oceana is particularly well renowned for the sale of canned pilchards under the Lucky Star label. Lucky Star is an iconic retail brand in South Africa, and leads the market within the canned fish sectors in which it operates. This includes Botswana, France, Kenya, Lesotho, Mozambique, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, the United Kingdom, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
We also sell products to upper-end consumers (who are predominantly buyers of lobster, hake and certain canned fish).
16th Floor, Metropolitan Centre, 7 Coen Steytler Avenue
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