Primo Aquaculture is the Australasian representative of INVE Aquaculture, one of the worlds' largest ARTEMIA harvester and specialty hatchery feeds producer - with operations in 36 countries.
INVE offers unrivalled larval & weaning diets for both fin fish and marine shrimp and continues to be the leading aquaculture research and innovation specialists for larval rearing.
Primo Aquaculture also supplies CHENTA paddlewheel aerators and now has over 4000 paddlewheel aerators working across Australia. Our large volumes allow for keen pricing.
Also available from Primo is the NUTURF Aquatic Blue for algal control in ponds.
Primo Aquaculture has been servicing the Australian Aquaculture Industry since 1985 with reliable products to help you run better!
More than 4 billion rubles (U$D 44.4M) of investment and 250 new jobs Russia Fed.
A large fish processing plant will appear on Sakhalin within the framework of investment quotas
The site being prepared for construction was visited by the head of the Federal Agency for Fisherie...
The invisible agenda of the giant squid Peru
There has been extensive discussion regarding the need to correct the denaturation of Supreme Decree 016-2020-PRODUCE, which has been ignored since 2023, to allow the entry of more than 300 Chinese in...
South Korea's Frozen Pollock Market Update – Week 36, 2024 South Korea
In week 36 of 2024, the wholesale prices of frozen pollock in South Korea exhibited mixed trends depending on the size. Prices for sizes 6, 7, and 8 continued to decline, while the price for size 9 re...