Dr. Glass is Director of the Northeast Consortium and Research Professor in the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space at the University of New Hampshire. A specialist in animal behavior and marine biology, Chris Glass has a long record of conservation gear research in New England’s Fisheries, and has recently been appointed Director of The Northeast Consortium.
The Northeast Consortium provides funding for cooperative research programs involving fishermen and the scientific community within the ecosystems of The Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank.
Prior to joining The Northeast Consortium, Chris served as Director of Marine Conservation at Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences where he specialized in the study of fish behavior and applying knowledge of this subject to develop more selective fishing gears directed at reducing bycatch and discard in commercial fisheries while minimizing environmental impact of fishing operations.
Previously Chris worked for 14 years at The Marine Laboratory in Aberdeen, Scotland and has worked extensively on bycatch reduction and conservation engineering programs throughout Europe and North America. Chris has been a featured lecturer on sustainable fisheries topics at numerous international conferences and has published extensively in scientific journals. His education includes a B.Sc. in Marine Biology and Animal Behavior from The Queens University, Belfast and a Ph.D. from The University of Glasgow.
Dr. Glass is an appointed member of the joint Mid-Atlantic and New England Fishery Management Council Survey Trawl Advisory Committee, inaugural Chair of the Northeast Fishing Technology Expert Working Group and Convener of the International Council for Exploration of the Sea, special scientific symposium on Fishing Technology in the 21st Century (Boston 2006).
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