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Photo: Pelagic Arena 2025/orwegian Seafood Council

Pelagic Arena 2025: A Day of Insights, Collaboration, and Innovation in Bergen

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Friday, January 17, 2025, 10:00 (GMT + 9)

On Tuesday, January 14th, the Pelagic Arena brought together the entire pelagic industry for a day of lectures, discussions, and networking in Bergen, Norway.

Despite rain and wind, 230 dedicated participants gathered to engage in 17 thought-provoking sessions organized by the Norwegian Seafood Research Fund (FHF). The event was skillfully hosted by FHF's new communications manager, Morgan Lillegård.

Exploring Perspectives: From Ocean to Market

The day began with a comprehensive overview of the pelagic fishery, production, and market trends. Seafood Norway's Kyrre Dale set the tone, highlighting key challenges and opportunities for the industry. Kenneth Garvik, sales manager at the Herring Sales Association, provided a detailed recap of the 2024 fishing season and shared forecasts for 2025.

Jan Eirik Johnsen, an analyst from the Seafood Council, painted a big-picture view of pelagic fish and Norway's global role in this market. This was followed by a lively panel discussion featuring members of the Seafood Council's market group. Led by Rolf Kristian Våge from Pelagia, the conversation emphasized the critical priorities for the next five years.

Jan Eirik Johnsen, an analyst from the Seafood Council. Click on the image to enlarge it

To cap the morning sessions, representatives from three key markets—Japan, South Korea, and Germany—shared insights on strategies for sustaining Norway’s stronghold in these regions.

Unlocking Value Along the Coast

Post-lunch sessions focused on value creation. DNB's senior analyst, Eirik Larsen, captivated the audience with a dynamic lecture on macroeconomic prospects. This was followed by Audun Iversen’s compelling presentation, underscoring the pelagic sector’s vital contribution to economic and social value along Norway’s coast.

Janicke Eckhoff from YoungFish energized the room with a passionate pitch to young professionals, encouraging them to consider careers in the fishing industry. Her message resonated, sparking enthusiasm for the industry’s future.

Innovation and Sustainability: Shaping the Future

A series of forward-looking sessions showcased FHF’s efforts in driving innovation and sustainability. Highlights included:

  • Autonomous Vessels for Population Monitoring: Presented by Espen Johnsen of the Institute of Marine Research.
  • Renewable Energy in Seafood Production by 2040: Explained by Hans Tobias Slette from Sintef.
  • Marine Oils for Human Consumption: Discussed by Iren Stoknes from Epax Norway, offering insights into research-based product development.

Special Focus: Sandeel, Fishmeal, and China’s Opportunities

Espen Johnsen also provided an engaging dive into the life of sandeel, its role in marine ecosystems, and its significance for the industry. This was followed by a panel featuring Nina Rasmussen from Fiskebåt and Helge Olav Vikshåland from Cetus Shipping Company.

Christian Meinich from Chr. Holtermann delved into the competitive dynamics of fishmeal and fish oil, offering fascinating insights into this vital sector.

Finally, Geir Lundberg’s presentation on the "Herring in China" project—with seafood advocate Arne Hjeltnes lending his support—highlighted the enormous potential for Norwegian herring in the Chinese market.

A Day of Collaboration and Growth

Pelagic Arena 2025 proved to be an invaluable platform for connecting industry players, fostering innovation, and strengthening Norway’s position in the global seafood market. It was not just a day for sharing professional insights but also for reinforcing camaraderie among pelagic professionals.

[email protected]


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