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Recruitment rates for Japanese flying squid will remain low, according to a report from the Fisheries Research Agency.

The Resource Management Policy Committee Allocates Squid Quotas for 2025

Click on the flag for more information about Japan JAPAN
Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 03:50 (GMT + 9)

Japan sets a Total Allowable Catch (TAC) of 19,200 tons for the 2025 fiscal year, based on provisional management benchmarks.

The initial allocation of quotas for the Japanese flying squid, Japanese common squid or Pacific flying squid (scientific name Todarodes pacificus), stocks and any adjustments will be defined at a discussion meeting scheduled for late January.


At the end of December, a stakeholder meeting was held in Tokyo (both in person and online) to discuss resource management policies for the Pacific flying squid, a species facing extremely low catch levels. The event was attended by approximately 200 participants, including experts and stakeholders, who analyzed resource management objectives, fishing scenarios, and strategies based on the latest resource assessment results.

Resource Assessment

According to a report by the Fisheries Research and Education Agency, the analysis predicts continued low recruitment rates for the Japanese flying squid born in both autumn and winter cohorts. Projections estimate an average catch volume of 16,000 tons in 2025, based on an adjustment coefficient of β = 0.35, with a total recommendation of 17,000 tons under conservative scenarios.


En respuesta, la Agencia de Pesca presentó cinco escenarios de captura, priorizando un enfoque en el que el límite de referencia para el control de capturas se fija como un parámetro provisional. El objetivo es lograr una probabilidad del 50% o más de cumplir las metas a 10 años.


Committee Decision

After discussions, the majority of stakeholders supported Plan D, which sets the TAC for 2025 at 19,200 tons, of which 11,500 tons will be allocated initially. This plan was formally adopted as the strategy for the upcoming fiscal year.

Previously, the TAC for Japanese flying squid was set at 79,200 tons over a three-year management period. However, initial allocations have decreased significantly: from 70,000 tons in the fifth management year to only 29,000 tons in the sixth year. For the seventh management year, the initial allocation of 11,500 tons represents a 60% reduction (17,500 tons less).


Prospects for Adjustments

Toshinori Uotani, head of the Resource Management Department, emphasized that while Plan D was adopted, any unexpected positive recruitment will be addressed through mid-term revisions. These updates will be implemented in coordination with the Minister and relevant Governors.

Additionally, efforts will focus on strengthening management strategies through:

  1. Opinion Exchange Forums: Creating spaces for open dialogue and information sharing among stakeholders.
  2. Improved Assessments: Conducting medium- and long-term studies, including deep-sea bottom trawling, and implementing new resource assessment models.

This approach aims to balance the sustainability of the resource with the economic needs of the fishing industry, addressing the complex challenges currently facing the sector.

[email protected]


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