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VISION 2025: Staying True to the MSC Label

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Friday, January 24, 2025, 00:10 (GMT + 9)

As we step into the new year, it’s a natural time to reflect on the past and look ahead to what’s in store for the fishing industry. How did 2024 shape up, and what challenges and opportunities lie on the horizon for 2025?

This week, industry experts share their perspectives. Today, we hear from Christien Absil, Senior Fisheries and Stakeholder Outreach Manager at the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), as reported by Vismagazine.

The MSC, an international non-profit organization, is dedicated to combating overfishing by promoting sustainable fisheries. Fisheries meeting the MSC standard are awarded the globally recognized blue label. But what is MSC’s vision for 2025?

How will the fishing industry evolve in 2025?

“For MSC, the fishing industry covers a wide spectrum of challenges and opportunities,” Absil explains. “One of the most pressing challenges in recent years has been the management plan for MSC-certified shrimp fisheries. To obtain MSC certification, shrimp fishers developed a management plan that included strict catch limits to protect shrimp populations.

Unfortunately, last winter – and again this year – shrimp numbers have been extremely low. These shortages have led to fishing restrictions, which some fishermen found too severe, prompting them to withdraw from the agreements. This poses significant risks: without broad adherence, the management plan loses its effectiveness, and the MSC certification could be suspended for all shrimp fisheries.

Such a suspension would jeopardize not only the shrimp population but also the livelihoods of fishermen. Consumer and retailer trust in sustainable practices is crucial, and without the MSC label, both are at stake.”

What’s on the horizon for 2025? Opportunities and threats

“Climate change is already impacting the fishing industry, and this influence will only grow. It presents significant challenges but also opportunities,” Absil notes.

“As fish species migrate to cooler waters, new species replace them, which complicates sustainable management. In many cases, management plans for these new species are lacking, making it vital to strengthen marine ecosystems so they can better absorb the impacts of climate change.

Meanwhile, demand for sustainable fish will continue to rise, driven by concerns about both ecological and climate impacts. Consumers are asking questions like: how much CO2 is produced in the catching or farming of a fish, and how does this compare to other protein sources? This presents a unique opportunity for the fishing industry to position itself as a leader in the global protein transition.

Additionally, consumers increasingly want to know where their fish comes from, how it was caught or farmed, and under what social conditions. This growing demand for traceability and transparency makes it essential for the industry to invest in robust systems that meet these expectations.”

Advice for the fishing industry

“My advice is simple: stay committed to the MSC quality mark,” Absil urges. “Without solidarity among shrimp fishermen, the future of shrimp fishing is at serious risk.

We call on fishermen to remain within the certification framework, even if the restrictions can be challenging. At the same time, the trade sector has a responsibility to prioritize MSC-certified shrimp. Without this support, the management plan’s integrity – and the future of the fishery – could be undermined.”

Key developments at MSC

“Globally, MSC is focused on expanding the number of fisheries participating in its program,” Absil shares. “Last year, we launched the MSC Improvement Program to facilitate sustainable practices in fisheries worldwide. This initiative aims to increase the number of fisheries eligible for certification, thereby growing the supply of certified fish in the future.”

[email protected]


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