Photo: Norges Sildesalgslag
The Norwegian Pelagic Fishing Course in Week 31
Tuesday, August 06, 2024, 00:50 (GMT + 9)
A promising start to the mackerel fishing.
This year’s mackerel season has commenced notably early, beginning a full three weeks ahead of last year’s schedule, and the reports are promising. A total of 2,351 tonnes has been reported so far. The average size of the mackerel ranges between 420 and 470 grams, indicating a decent size for the fish. Sunday proved to be the most productive day, with 1,157 tonnes reported. All reported catches have been made within the Norwegian zone.
North Sea Herring:
The fishing for North Sea herring has also been productive, with a total of 19,916 tonnes reported last week. Some of these catches were made within the British zone, and there are now 43,740 tonnes remaining of this year’s quota. It is expected that several boats will soon begin moving northwards to start on the mackerel fishing.
The vessel Astrid-Marie has reported catching 1,150 tonnes of sprat in the southern parts of the North Sea, which have been processed for meal and oil.
Blue Whiting:
Additionally, 555 tonnes of blue whiting have been reported from two different vessels.
Norway Pout & Horse Mackerel:
Moreover, 65 tonnes of Norway pout and 9 tonnes of horse mackerel have been caught.
This early and successful start to the mackerel season, along with productive catches in other fisheries, bodes well for the industry’s progress this year.
Source: Norges Sildesalgslag (translated from original in Norwegian)
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