Lucky Star stands proud as the ultimate protein. It offers us omega 3 health, full of freshness, famous flavour, supreme stretch and real variety for an amazing life.You are what you eat, so make sure you’re putting the right kind of fuel into your body.
Lucky Star builds better bodies and sharper minds. If everybody ate Lucky Star all the time, the world would be filled with beautiful, intelligent people. The kind of people we all aspire to be. It’s Super Food for Super People.
Between 2004 and 2011, various products were introduced to the Lucky Star range (Mackerel in Tomato Sauce, Jack Mackerel in Tomato Sauce, Middlecut in Brine, Shredded Tuna in Oil & Water and Tuna Chunks in Oil & Water). All the new products, except the ones in tomato sauce, were launched under the more premium looking ‘white’ label.
16th Floor, Metropolitan Centre, 7 Coen Steytler Avenue
China's Deep-Sea Squid Price Index 2024: Operational Research Report China
Index Performance
In 2024, China's ocean squid price index demonstrated significant overall growth, with only slight declines in January, May, July, and November. The index reached its highest histor...