VannaPlus 1.0: genomic test based on a set of 96 SNP markers developed for white shrimp
Genetic tool analyzes whiteleg shrimp strains (Litopenaeus vannamei)
(BRAZIL, 5/3/2021)
- The tool indicates more suitable breeders to avoid the crossing of related animals, which are more subject to genetic problems.
- Cheaper and faster than the competition, VannaPlus offers simple and robust solutions to shrimp larvae producers.
- VannaPlus has the potential to boost the shrimp production chain by adding genetic data to breeding animals.
- Technology also helps and accelerates the genetic improvement of the species.
- The development was based on high-performance computing applied to bioinformatics
VannaPlus, a genomic tool developed by researchers from Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology (DF) and Embrapa Informática Agropecuária (SP), will help the white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) production chain in genetic improvement programs and, mainly, in the identification of the pedigree. of shrimp from multiple families reared in grow-out ponds. It is a great challenge, since it is not possible to mark each animal individually with the conventional methods used in other sectors of animal production.
Now available to those interested in optimizing crosses for the maintenance of genetic lines, VannaPlus is another technological asset that tests paternity, kinship and makes individual identification of white shrimp. The tool was developed by researchers Alexandre Caetano and Patrícia Ianella, with the participation of researcher Michel Yamagishi and the team from the Embrapa Multi-User Bioinformatics Laboratory (LMB). The laboratory has a high-performance computational infrastructure that has been applied in bioinformatic analysis for the development of the AquaPlus Platform assets (see table below).
Based on a panel of low-density SNP markers (single nucleotide polymorphisms), VannaPlus allows larval producers to manage the breeding stock, reducing the risk of undesirable crosses so that the breeder produces more and better. "In addition to providing solutions for the genetic management of breeders and reducing consanguineous crosses, the tool can help improvement programs in the evaluation, selection and improvement processes and, thus, rationalize the acquisition and sale of germplasm between producers" says Ianella. The crosses between related animals, called inbred animals, result in offspring more subject to genetic problems such as malformations and even low zootechnical performance. The use of VannaPlus will allow the producer to identify genetically distant animals and recommend crosses with a higher probability of success. The technology will also promote the aggregation of information and value for the shrimp farming market (captive shrimp farming).
Alexandre Caetano says that, like other species of aquaculture interest, the individual marking and identification of shrimp presents enormous challenges for the genetic management of the breeders because the young forms of these animals are millimetric and cannot be marked with conventional methods. In addition, the shrimp undergoes a process of exoskeleton (shell) change during growth. VannaPlus solves this difficulty cheaply and quickly. The scientist reports that Embrapa currently has the capacity to process and analyze two thousand samples per week and that volume will soon double.
Source: Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia
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